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We want to share with you the trends we see in the financial services industry, including important events and media input. As an agency, our goal is to help you. That is why we also post our financial PR and Marketing best practices and opinion articles as a resource for your company.

Lauren de Gourville

Recent Posts

5 B2B Blogging Mistakes that Cost You Readers and Customers

In today’s digital landscape, consumers want to be educated first before making a purchasing decision, and one of the best ways to share your company’s expertise and build credibility with your prospects is to have a strong blogging strategy.  According to a recent Inbound Marketing Report, 81% of B2B companies use blogging as a content marketing tactic. However, there are a few important best practices companies overlook when developing content for their websites.

1. Not Choosing Relevant Topics

There’s so much going on in the financial services industry today. From data breaches, to new technologies and changing regulations, there are many topics to choose from to engage your readers. But before choosing a direction and title for a blog post, it’s important to understand your audience and define your buyer personas.

The Power of Lead Nurturing: How To Build Stronger Relationships and Close More Customers

Lead generation is a key goal in every company’s marketing strategy, but focusing all of your attention on generating leads may actually cause you to miss out on opportunities. In fact, Invesp found that companies that only employ  lead generation lose 80% of leads, while companies that have a well-executed lead nurturing strategy in place tend to spend 33% less while generating 50% more sales.

PR Strategies

for Larger Enterprises vs. One Product Companies

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