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We want to share with you the trends we see in the financial services industry, including important events and media input. As an agency, our goal is to help you. That is why we also post our financial PR and Marketing best practices and opinion articles as a resource for your company.

Chuck Meyers

Recent Posts

PR Insight: Media Training Tips

How to prepare for your credit union’s next big interview

When the leadership of a credit union does interviews with the media, they have the potential to make a great impact. Media interviews enable CU spokespeople to educate members and potential members, spread awareness of what the organization is doing and position the credit union as a leader within the community. But these objectives can only be accomplished if CU spokespeople have gone through media training—to help them focus on what they need to communicate to a reporter and do so clearly. Preparation before an interview can mean the difference between being left out of an article and having the article or segment focus on you and your organization.

PR Insight: Pitching Articles to the Media

Best practices for story development, communication and building relationships.

As featured in this month’s CUES PR Insights.

One of the most effective ways to draw attention to your credit union is to actively engage with the media in order to generate positive news stories.

PR Strategies

for Larger Enterprises vs. One Product Companies

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