Just a few short weeks ago, Victor Wenbanyama got his spot as the first pick in the 2023 NBA draft. As the celebrations are winding down and the 7’4” Frenchman is enjoying the last bits of his offseason before he makes the big move to San Antonio, he is most likely preparing for a new routine, new culture and a new place to call home for the next few years. Same thing for other athletes like Lionel Messi and Karim Benzema, they’re making a big change and uprooting their lives to continue to pursue their dreams.
While PR isn’t as big as a finals game or World Cup, some folks are venturing off to the world of PR and unsure of where to start. Much like drafting season, you’ve been called up to do PR and you need some insight on this new endeavor. Let’s discuss some useful tactics and tools as you lace up your sneakers to get into the game of PR:
PR 101 - Establishing Routine Training
As many talented athletes say, the real preparation is in the off-season. Similarly, there are a few things to know about PR before you put pen to paper.
First is the basics of PR and how things differ in terms of writing. PR writing follows AP Styling which is a little different than the norm. There are rules for basic things like spelling out numbers one through ten and using digits for 11 and onwards. Also, things like states are not done the traditional way. For instance, CA is Calif., for California. While there are paid tools out there to check for AP style writing, your best bet is to have your PR Bible at an arm’s length, your AP Stylebook. Each year there is a new version with changes but most of the core items remain the same, keep tabs on AP Styling as new guidelines come out each year.
Another useful tool to help you strengthen your writing muscles is working on becoming a great storyteller. Unlike Marketing, PR writing differs in the fact that you can’t contribute pieces to publications that are too salesy and namedrop the company, so you have to be a little creative. One book that can help enhance your writing styling is “The Elements of Style,” by William Strunk Jr and E.B. White. This book, as the title hints, can help with establishing style in writing to creatively convey a message concisely.
Much like professional athletes who review tapes and meet on strategy for their upcoming game, the PR industry has a lot of useful organizations and resources to enhance your skills. The PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) has routine webinars and training opportunities for industry veterans to guide everything from crisis communications, media training, crafting the perfect press release and how best to pitch the media.
It's PR, Not ER
With proper training and conditioning, some injuries can be avoided. At the end of the day, PR is not as arduous as it seems and should not induce sheer panic. It’s PR, not ER, meaning it is not a life-or-death situation and can be accomplished with ease with the right tools and partners.
By filling your arsenal with useful tools and resources, your journey can be done with ease. And if you’re needing some guidance or looking for a PR partner for your fintech, reach out to your friends here at WMA!